Archived News
- cell [12sep2000]
Ragnar Lillemark has completed a nice product review of MeV for the
StudioLab website, titled
'Going Trackless with MeV'. Because of the early state of our
documentation, it currently serves as one of the best introductions
to MeV. We think it is a great starting point to new users or anyone
interested in MeV.
- cell [20aug2000]
Thanks to Pete Schultz and Atsushi Takamatsu, we now have a PPC version
available for download. (Note that the current
source snapshot still requires some tweaks to make it build on PPC.)
- cell [20aug2000]
MeV 0.8.0 Alpha 2 is now available for download. As announced, it
fixes the serious bug with messed up note durations on playback and some
- muting of parts implemented
- disabled nesting of parts within themselves
- vertical mouse position info implemented
- better tempo control and time indicator in the transport window
- added 2 example songs
- other minor bug fixes
Overall, this release should be more stable than the last, so updating is
highly recommended.
- cell [18aug2000]
As you might have noticed, I've updated the layout of this website
a bit. Also, Alpha 2 is already due in a few days, fixing a serious
that slipped into the first release, and adding some other minor
bug fixes and features.
- cell [15aug2000]
The release of MeV 0.8.0 Alpha 1 has finally arrived.
So now please give this baby a test-run, and tell us what you think on the
Users Mailing List or one of the forums.
- cell [05aug2000]
We are proud to announce the release of MeV 0.8.0 Alpha 1 on
August 15. 'Alpha' because not all the new features and changes are
totally polished and haven't been completely stress-tested yet.
We hope to get a lot of feedback and bug reports from you. There are a number
of options for this:
And last but not least, there's a new screen shot
for you to investigate...
- cell [24jun2000]
We now have a roadmap online, containing estimated
dates for major releases and the accompanying features we plan to implement.
Also, Jamie Krutz has joined our team some weeks ago to provide design
input, and has now been added to the members page.
- cell [11jun2000]
The list of tracks has been separated
from the main (assembly) window, in part to avoid confusion with
the concept of tracks often found in other sequencers. In MeV, tracks
correspond to patterns or sequences, and can contain events
from any MIDI channel and device.
- dwalton [09may2000]
Today MeV was running under the new Midi Kit. I had data streaming all over the place, through
transposers, through MidiOxygen to external synths, to midi monitors that I have written... and
sexyist of all to ObjektSynth!
- cell [29apr2000]
Lots of UI fixes have gone into the changes commit today.
There is still a lot to be fixed, however, and the 'draggable event' palette has vanished for now.
- cell [25apr2000]
Event Drawing works now with my local copy. It'll take some
days until I can check the changes back in though, as a lot of cleanup is still necessary.